Friends & PatronsTonbridge Philharmonic Society is primarily funded from members’ subscriptions and ticket sales. In addition, our Friends and Patrons scheme lets non-members support the work of the Society.
“Friends” and “Patrons” provide valuable additional revenue, which enables us to engage professional soloists and musicians of a very high standard. As we are a registered charity, we can also claim “Gift Aid” where appropriate.
If you are interested in learning more, please email Graham Bignell at patrons@tonphil.org.uk.
As a “Friend”, you receive a regular newsletter from our Chair, together with information on up-coming concerts and events. You are also entitled to attend our AGM and to a free programme at all concerts (except the Family Carols). All this for £55 a year.
Patrons pay a minimum £165 for the same benefits as Friends, and also receive a free Season Ticket to all five annual concerts (not including the Family Carols).