
Exciting New Venue for the Summer Concert

We’re bringing more than 500 years of music to a venue that has only just had its first birthday! Unity Hall, part of the Southborough Hub, is fresh and new, and will be a perfect setting for Tonbridge Philharmonic’s summer concert – Treading the Boards. This will be the first concert ever held in the hall, and Naomi Butcher, our Music Director, has put together an intriguing and delightful programme. It will take you from 1600 – Shakespeare and Morley – all the way to those familiar works of the end of the twentieth century from Schonberg (Les Mis) and Sondheim (Send in the Clowns). In the interval you’ll be able to take a chilled glass of white wine out into the piazza and stretch your legs before going back for more of this wonderful music.