
Orchestra Update 19/06/21

Our next rehearsal is on Monday, at what is rapidly becoming the “usual” time & place (7:50 for 8pm, Weald of Kent Grammar School). We will be looking at Dvorak mvt 3/4, and the Brahms – definitely the variations we didn’t cover last week, and more if there’s time.

After Monday we have four rehearsals left until the summer break. As you will have heard if you were at the last rehearsal, we are hoping to use the latter two of these evenings (12th & 19th July) to audition new MD candidates, which should be quite exciting! On the former two Mondays (28th June and 5th July) we need to decide if we want to continue with the Dvorak, Brahms and Beethoven, or if we want to pick one more piece to look at – we will have a show of hands on Monday about this.

Could you please advise (by replying to the email, or click here: which of these Mondays you should be able to make, so that we can continue to plan the seating for each rehearsal.

We are also looking to have a zoom call on Thursday (24th) in the evening, to canvas your thoughts on planning for our next season. Obviously these plans will be subject to the progress of the pandemic, and also to the input of our new MD, but we’d be interested to hear how our membership would like us to approach things as we start to work out how we might operate from September. Zoom details for this call will come out nearer the time – it’ll be from 8 and I don’t expect it to take more than an hour. Apologies for the short notice on this, and if you can’t make it feel free to email me with your thoughts.

Stephen Minton
Orchestral Chair