Detailed work on preparations for the society’s inaugural concert (Handel’s Messiah) was underway. 100 posters were to be printed, along with 1,000 programmes, to be sold at 1/- each. Curiously, the record then states that to facilitate distribution, each member will be allowed 6 programmes at a charge of 5/-, additional copies will be provided on application at 1/- each. Special invitations were to be sent to the Chairman and Members of Tonbridge Urban District Council, the local Member of Parliament, Heads of Schools, Clergy and Ministers of local Churches and a number of prominent local people.
The subject of the recently inaugurated Tonbridge War Memorial was considered, and it was unanimously decided that proceeds raised from the Society’s Ascension Day 1947 performance, after all expenses had been met, should be donated to this Fund.
The first time a dress code was raised was when Mrs Groom sought guidance on behalf of the lady members respecting the wearing of hats in church, and it was agreed that they should be worn, and that the Committee could safely leave this to the good taste and discretion of these members.